LED Streetlight Conversion Project
In partnership with the Village of Nyack, RealTerm Energy provided a smarter, more environmentally-friendly street lighting system resulting in significant reductions in energy and maintenance costs. The new LED fixtures reduce the Village's streetlight energy consumption by 67% as LEDs require significantly less electricity than the original high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights.

Other Benefits
Equipped with lighting controls, this upgrade also saves the Village 338,086 kWh in energy annually and reduced overall operational costs by 78% in the first year with a total project savings of $886,299. LEDs are a solid-state technology (with no moving parts) and last up to four times longer than the Village’s existing streetlights. The retrofit improves Nyack’s environmental footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 193 metric tons annually, equivalent to the gas emissions from approximately 41 passenger vehicles driven for one year.